The Most Common Catastrophic Injuries for Pedestrian Accidents

close up photo of person in a wheelchair

How Common are Pedestrian Accidents?

According to the California Highway Patrol, pedestrian accidents accounted for more than 14,500 injuries and 960 deaths in 2017 alone. This means that Californians were responsible for 10 percent of the total injuries sustained by pedestrians for that year.

It's no surprise that getting hit by a car as a pedestrian can come with some pretty severe and dangerous consequences. From minor bumps and bruises to lifelong damage, the risks associated with simply walking down the street is quickly becoming a cause for concern.

Despite safety measures in place to keep pedestrians safe - flashing lights at crosswalks, pedestrian traffic signs, and designated walk areas - thousands of people suffer from catastrophic injuries from motorists' negligence each year.

What Makes an Injury ‘Catastrophic’?

Catastrophic injuries are loosely defined as severe injuries sustained in the spine, brain, or spinal cord. As these occur in some of the body's most sensitive areas, they always come with the risk of imposing lifelong disabilities and damages.

Since pedestrian accidents often come with limited reaction time, causing the body to tense up as it's struck, the possibility of sustaining a catastrophic injury is relatively common. Here are which injuries are most likely to occur in a pedestrian accident:

Most Common Catastrophic Injuries

Multiple Fractures

Multiple fractures in the spine, neck, or hips can easily occur during a pedestrian accident. While it is possible for this injury to heal completely, many who suffer from spinal fractures often have to undergo surgery and physical therapy to regain normal motor functions. Other treatments that could be utilized are back braces to maintain alignment or minimally invasive procedures.

Brain Injuries

Catastrophic brain injuries, while perhaps the least common on this list, are the most life-threatening. These extend far further than the typical concussion or migraine that one may get from being inside a vehicle during an accident. These injuries can come with severe side effects, including:

  • Extended periods of unconsciousness or coma
  • Short or long-term amnesia
  • PTSD, erratic mood changes, or other mental health disorders
  • Seizures

While these indicate less fatal brain injuries that may happen during a pedestrian accident, a catastrophic brain injury can also result in permanent loss of brain function or even death.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are some of the most costly that one could suffer from following a pedestrian accident; likewise, car crashes are the number one cause of these injuries. Since these are lifelong damages that run the risk of causing paralysis, they may require additional treatments, surgeries, and long-term care for one to have the best possible recovery outcome.

If significant damage results from a spinal cord injury, one may suffer from more bodily complications down the line, including:

  • Bowel and bladder dysfunction
  • Loss of sexual function or drive
  • Loss of muscle function below the injury site

Not only do spinal cord injuries run the risk of costing thousands, if not millions, of dollars in medical bills, you may also have to make significant changes to your home and professional life to accommodate the injury.

Trust the Newport Beach Catastrophic Injury Attorneys

Catastrophic injuries resulting from pedestrian accidents can affect your life forever. Aside from the physical damages, they can also negatively impact your ability to retain or find a job to be able to support your family. That’s why the team at Manning Law, APC has dedicated ourselves to helping those suffering from catastrophic injuries. Our Newport Beach firm has helped clients receive millions in damages and get their life back on track.

If you or a loved one is suffering from a catastrophic injury sustained in a pedestrian accident, call (800) 783-5006 or visit our website to schedule a consultation.

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